An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Trust will be held in the Duncansburgh Macintosh Church Hall, Fort William at 7pm on Tuesday 25th April 2017. This will be followed by a Members’ Gathering with a keynote speaker and opportunity for discussion.
Please note that while Ordinary members are entitled to attend and vote (or appoint a proxy), Associate and Junior members are not able to vote but are very welcome to attend the EGM.
John C Hutchison
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Appointment of Directors nominated by Members
Following a call for directors with a deadline on 27th March, the following have been proposed and, there being seven vacancies, are nominated for appointment:
• Andrew Baxter, Kinlochleven
• Alex Farquhar, Fort William
• John Hutchison, Badabrie
• Patricia Jordan, Fort William
• Flora McKee, Inverlochy
• Campbell Slimon, Laggan
• Ben Thompson, Erracht
4. Board Report
5. Financial Report
6. Any Other Business competent to the EGM
A quorum of 10% of the membership, namely 101 is needed. If an Ordinary Member is unable to attend in person they may nominate a proxy to attend and vote in their stead. The proxy need not be a member of the company. The nominated proxy may also be the Chair of the meeting who will act on your behalf. A form by which you can nominate your proxy is available in the downloads section of the website, to the right hand side of this page.
Members Gathering
The EGM will be followed by a Gathering when Faye MacLeod will speak on “Why Community Ownership?”
Faye is a partner with Campbell Stewart MacLennan & Co in Portree and Benbecula, who carried out the Financial Analysis on the Rio Tinto Aluminium Estates for the Trust last year. She has much experience of working with community landowners in the North and West and is highly regarded across the sector.
There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion.